The Call for Proposals was open April 24 – June 7, 2024.  

Call for Proposals

CAM's Annual Conference sessions are generated by museum professionals like you! Each year, the CAM Program Committee puts out a Call for Proposals.

CAM is hard at work planning for the 2025 conference, set to take place from February 18–21, 2025 in San Francisco. We look forward to highlighting best practices and innovative ideas from California's museum community at CAM 2025.
Based on attendee feedback from the 2024 conference, the CAM Program Committee will be looking for proposal submissions that are particularly centered in: small museums, registration and collections, technology, and marketing and communications.

CAM's Program Committee annually seeks submissions for case studies, panel sessions, roundtable discussions, workshops, creative stations, and local tours on these topics and more. Let your work and ideas shine!

Proposers will be notified of their status in late August.

  CAM Program Committee Goal

The Program Committee’s overall goal is to produce interesting, useful, thought-provoking, relevant and interactive programs that: 

  •  explore internal trends or external factors that affect the future of California museums
  •  discuss “best practices” in museums and strategies for achieving excellence
  •  model strategies for other museums to learn from these experiences. 

The sessions at the CAM conference should provide information or experiences that assist employees and volunteers in California museums to better perform their duties, organize engaging educational experiences, stay engaged in their profession, protect their collections, obtain necessary resources, and/or serve their communities. The most successful sessions and workshops at CAM conferences feature:

  • deep dives into issues or trends
  • real and scalable solutions
  • multiple case studies that are candid, relevant to museums of varying sizes, and honest about lessons learned
  • compelling, organized, and knowledgeable presenters
  • active engagement and involvement of program participants (not just “talking heads”).

Proposers are encouraged to represent the diversity of the museum field in their proposals. This diversity includes the geographical region, size, discipline, and age of the institutions represented on the panel as well as the race/ethnicity, ages, and genders of the presenters. Curious about how the proposals are scored? View the Proposal Scoring Criteria.

Annual Conference Session Formats

Individual or Institutional Case Study (45 minutes): Based on conference attendee feedback, starting in 2025 Case Studies will be longer (45 minutes instead of 30 minutes). An individual or institutional case study is a 45-minute spotlight of a program or activity and is typically presented by a single individual who led the activity (maximum of two speakers is allotted). Case studies offer opportunities for presenters to give specific details while keeping the content concise and interesting.

Panel Session (75 minutes):  Traditionally, panel sessions have a moderator or a facilitator, plus a maximum of three other speakers, often with contrasting perspectives, institutions, or experiences. The moderator or facilitator introduces the topic and helps create discussion or introduces the various presenters and their perspectives. The moderator may also serve as one of the presenters. The session concludes with a general question and answer period or other type of interactive experience.

Roundtable Discussions (60 minutes): Roundtable Discussions are highly participatory programs in a small group setting that focus on sharing ideas on a specific topic, trend, or case study. They feature only one facilitator who introduces the topic and leads the discussion. The number of participants typically vary from 5 to 20 or more, depending on the schedule and topic. Roundtable discussion proposals may be selected as topics for dialogue dinners/lunches (see below) and/or as conference sessions. 

Pre-Conference Workshop (varies: 2 hour minimum, 8 hour maximum): A workshop is a hands-on, participatory learning experience. Pre-conference workshops are offered as experiences on the first day of the conference, and are most often hosted by museums in the area. They usually require a separate fee to attend, set by the workshop organizer. CAM will help arrange a host site with the local museums. The proposer/organizer needs to make arrangements with the host site and CAM staff for set-up, participant lunch, and/or other necessary logistics. CAM contacts those submitting workshop proposals to gather additional questions, such as anticipated length of time, cost, etc.

Creative Stations (2 hours): These are drop-in activity stations with educational content prepared and presented by museums and institutions, usually members of the conference’s Host Committee. Creative Stations are generally set up for two hours, with no required time for participants. Learn and enjoy what other museums have to share!

Submit your Proposals

If you want to see it, propose it! Proposers are encouraged to submit multiple proposals on a variety of topics that are relevant to their field of work. Our submission forms are handled through Wufoo, and we encourage using a Proposal Prep Form to collect all of your information in one place to make your submission process easier. The prep forms contain all of the fields the Wufoo form has, with space for you/your group to work on your responses before your final submission. View all the Proposal Prep Form types.

Submit a Panel Session, Case Study, or Discussion Proposal

Submit a Workshop Proposal


Contact Rochelle Kuan Hoffman at [email protected] with questions or if you need assistance with your proposal. CAM’s Program Committee members are located throughout the state and are an excellent resource for proposal assistance.