CAM Connects: Mentorship Program

Focus Groups interviewed in 2021 called on CAM and the museum sector to invest more resources into advancing emerging museum professionals (EMPs). To address this, CAM developed a Mentorship program, CAM Connects, to pair California-based EMPs with experienced museum professionals throughout the State with the purpose of encouraging EMPs to leverage their transferable skills, identify career paths that align with their interests and experience, and build connections in the museum sector.

In this structured, one-to-one program CAM will match mentors and mentees based on their existing or desired areas of responsibility. Mentors will provide insight and support through the sharing of their experience, knowledge, and skills. Mentees will have the opportunity to ask questions, better understand their transferable skills, and learn about possible avenues for career advancement. As a state-wide museum advocate, CAM is committed to developing and supporting emerging museum professionals across California. 

There will be two 5-month cycles of CAM Connects with a maximum of 20 pairs (20 mentors and 20 mentees) totaling 40 participants per cycle. The schedule is as follows: 

Group 1 / Cycle 1: September 2024 - January 2025 Group 2 / Cycle 2: March 2025 - July 2025

If your mentor/mentee relationship extends past the end of the cycle, we will be ecstatic! Throughout the mentorship program, CAM will suggest discussion prompts and assist the development of the relationship to the best of our ability. Below you will find more information on the expectations of the mentor/mentee relationship including the frequency of communication and other key details. 

Eligibility Requirements

Mentees must reside in CA, be an emerging museum professional or have less than 10 years of experience in the sector, be committed to the program until its completion, must be a CAM member (at any level), and be willing to participate in the CAM online community platform.

Mentors must reside in CA, have more than 10 years of experience, be committed to the program until its completion, must be a CAM member (at any level), and be willing to participate in the CAM online community platform.

Participation Requirements/Expectations 

All participants must read and agree to adhere to CAM’s Code of Conduct before completing their submission. All participants are required to be members of CAM. If you are not a member, please click here to learn more about CAM membership.  Mentors are required to connect with their mentees at least once a month. While we encourage this to be either a virtual meeting or an in-person (if you happen to be in the same area) meeting, email check-ins are also allowed. 
Mentors are required to connect with their mentees at least once a month. While we encourage this to be either a virtual meeting or an in-person (if you happen to be in the same area) meeting, email check-ins are also allowed. 

CAM Connects at a Glance

Program Structure:

  • Mentor/Mentee Matching: Mentors and Mentees are paired based on their existing or desired areas of responsibility.
  •  Duration: Each mentoring cycle lasts 5 months.
  •  Cycles: There are 2 cycles per year, each with a maximum of 20 pairs (20 mentors and 20 mentees), totaling 40 participants per cycle.

Eligibility Requirements:

  •  Mentees
  • Must reside in California
  • Must be an emerging museum professional or have less than 10 years of experience in the sector
  • Must commit to the 5-month program cycle
  • Must be a CAM member (at any level)
  • Must be willing to participate in the CAM online community platform

  • Mentors
  • Must reside in California
  • Must have more than 10 years of experience
  • Must commit to the 5-month program cycle
  • Must be a CAM member (at any level)
  • Must be willing to participate in the CAM online community platform

Participation Requirements/Expectations:

  • All participants must read and agree to adhere to CAM’s Code of Conduct
  •  Mentors are required to connect with their mentees at least once a month. This can be through virtual meetings, in-person meetings (if possible), or email check-ins.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What are mentors?

Mentors are defined as experienced and trusted advisers.

For our program, mentors are experienced museum professionals with more than 10 years in the sector. If you are new to the museum sector but have experience in another sector but feel your skills are transferable to assisting in the development of another person's career, please apply. If you are interested in becoming a mentor please apply here by July 26.

What are mentees? 

Mentees are defined as a person who is advised, trained, or counseled by a mentor.

For our program, mentees are emerging museum professionals or museum professionals with 10 or fewer years of experience in the sector.  If you are interested in being a mentee please apply here by July 26.

What are the expectations of participation?

Mentors and mentees are expected to connect at least once a month, check in with fellow mentors and mentees on CAM's community platform, and respond to prompted discussions. Mentors are expected to transfer skills to their mentee and support their mentee over the course of the mentorship program.

How do I apply?

If you are interested in becoming a mentee or a mentor please apply here by July 26.

When will I know I’ve been selected to participate?

We will inform all participants of their status in July and of their pairing in early August. The program will officially begin in September. 

When do applications open and close for the mentoring program?

Applications open on June 12, 2024 and close on July 26.



If you have any questions, please email CAM's Community Engagement Manager Tiona Lyons-King at [email protected]. This project is made possible with support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.